Father John Misty Orlando 2018

FATHER JOHN MISTY Tickets for $30 in Tampa! | Performing at Gasparilla Music Festival—March 11, 2018

by • February 7, 2018

This large question mark in front of me does nothing for the existential quandary, that is talking about my emotions to thousands of college kids on mushrooms.”

                    —Father John Misty about “The Which” stage at Bonnaroo 2016.

Nimbus clouds take shape and tabs of acid rain from their whiteness upon the bodies below.

Okay, not really, but, there’s no better place than Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park along the Tampa Bay for this scenario to play out; eager tongues wagging to the sky, praying to a new kind of Father Figure. 😉


Last year at Gasparilla’s Music Festival, Ryan Adams cleverly improvised insults in song form directed toward Joe Sale, a photographer, who was using flash albeit the festival’s strict NO FLASH policy. Adams has Meniere’s disease, which can have serious effects ranging from migraines to grand mal seizures.

The sunset, which looked like a damn Afremov painting, and the singer’s signature wit, were a perfect pair on the Mainstage. I can only imagine how beautiful and volatile a Father John Misty vs heckler battle will be this year …

(Perhaps, he’s heard the brilliantly tongue-in-cheek ode by artist Samia, aptly titled, “The Night Josh Tillman Listened To My Song.” Can we have a duet, please?)

*The artwork alone … brilliant. 

(OR maybe Ryan Adams will come back to heckle FJM himself, or at least tweet about it.)

His between song banter is improv genius while his fervent dancing and vocals impress even those who are thrown by the lyrics. He closed out his Bonnaroo set with “Ideal Husband,” throwing the microphone and stand in the air with no concern for its descent to earth.”

              — Staff Writer Sean Gray

I Love You Honeybear Father John Misty

Stills taken by his wife Emma from a 2012 Joshua Tree trip where Tillman wrote “I Love You, Honeybear.”


The former Fleet Foxes member creates a live show riddled with satirical surprises around every corner, and if his latest album is any indication, he’ll have plenty of fuel to cause some friction. Misty’s Pure Comedy was an epic poem about our political/social culture and the gross unfounded idiosyncrasies which are slowly gnawing away at our humanity.

Some dream of a world written in lines of code
Well, I hope they engineer out politics, romance, and edifice

Two outta three ain’t bad

Oh, that day can’t come soon enough

It’ll be so glorious

When they finally find out what’s bugging us.


‘Another white guy in 2017 who takes himself so goddamn seriously, isn’t far off. “Leaving LA” has Misty pondering his own hand in the undoing of our moral structures. His candid and mortal/dim thoughts are not self righteous however, if only in his ownership of the natural self righteous nature of addressing these subjects via a public medium. (He actually thinks ego mania is underrated.) Pure Comedy has FJM more exposed than ever. One of 2017’s best albums.  

With two full days of amazing music on the schedule for Gasparilla Music Festival 2018, Father John Misty is the perfect mid-evening cap for this lovely weekend.

If the sky were to perform as well as last year, (& every year before), than you might actually experience something spiritual that Sunday.

Imagine Father John Misty standing in the coral closet which will be Curtis Hixon Park around 6pm at night and he’s singing “Real Love Baby” …

Yeah, I’ll see you there. We can groove until the port-o-potty lines grow long. 

Enjoy this photo shoot FJM did for Vogue last year while you buy your tickets. Also, RSVP while you’re at it, so your friends, mother, sister, & uncertain fling can all melt into one big gob of unease and existentialism.  

FATHER JOHN MISTY TIX FOR $30 HERE @ Gasparilla Music Festival 2018

RSVP to Father John Misty @ Gasparilla Music Festival 2018 HERE!


Father John Misty Vogue 2017

Father John Misty in bloom.


Father John Misty Gasparilla 2018

  A fruity Father

Father John Misty Gasparilla 2018

Tickle, tickle.


Father John Misty Gasparilla 2018

N’ brimstone baby. 











Gasparilla Music Festival 2018

Father John Misty for $30 in Tampa by Sarah Schumaker.


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