by James Connolly
If you find yourself nursing a lifelong addiction to post rock like I have, then it is very likely Explosions in the Sky is your
by James Connolly
I’m shocked at the amount of times I’ve accidentally seen Animals as Leaders. To me, they’ve been the musical
by Mitch Foster
Shows I Go To is more than an online music magazine. We are a family of music loving weirdos who have created a “music
by James Connolly
In a year of monumentally shitty proportions, Dillinger Escape Plan (DEP) have managed to make things worse. As if national
by James Connolly
The stench of weed and nag champa fills the air. Bohemian kids, flowing clothes, and matted dreads engulf my vision. Baby-boomers
by James Connolly
Saturday, October 15 RX Bandits became the newest band to enter the endless parade of 10-year anniversary shows rolling through
by James Connolly
Three days. Only three days between the release of Meshuggah’s 8th studio album The Violent Sleep of Reason and their first