riot fest chicago quotes

Top 10 Best Quotes from Riot Fest Chicago 2015!

by • September 22, 2015

Before we boarded the plane for Chicago, Mitch gave me two gifts that were crucial to the trip, my first ever business card holder and a waterproof Field Notes book to keep my thoughts organized. Throughout the weekend I found myself writing down quotes from various bands that I had originally planned on including in my review of Riot Fest Chicago. On Sunday night while I was waiting to watch The Prodigy in a drunken haze it hit me, I had so many great quotes that they deserved an article of their own. After careful examination, I have ranked the Top 10 Quotes from Riot Fest Chicago 2015.

10.  “He’s got a NoFx shirt on. He looks like he could be Fat Mike’s son.” 

– Flogging Molly’s Dave King when a crowdsurfer wearing a NoFx shirt went over the barricade.

9. “That one was for Donald Trump, a wanker if I’ve ever seen one.” 

— The Damned’s Captain Sensible at their after show at Double Door.

8. “This is a song about tearing up everything you hate, bills…old napkins.”

Andrew W.K. before playing “Tear It Up.”

7.  “We just fucked up The Prodigy’s lights. Now they will be exposed as the band that they are.”

– L7’s Donita Sparks after breaking one of The Prodigy’s light fixtures. (The Prodigy was playing next on the same stage)

6.  “My fingers are going numb but I will shake my dick to have a good time, even if it kills me”

— Eagles of Death Metal front-man Jesse Hughes.

5.  “It’s kinda hard to sing when it looks like people are dying in front of me.” 

— System of a Down’s Daron Malakian after their set was stopped twice due to people being trampled in the pit.

4.  “That bass is in my soul right now.” 

— My friend Peter (not an Alkaline Trio reference) after The Prodigy took the stage.

3.  “If anyone’s high right now, this one is going to sound really nice. And if you’ve got some blow it this way.” 

– The Damned’s Captain Sensible before playing “Alone Again Or.”

2. “I wanna cum all over your face, so you can see where I’m coming from.” 

– Bootsy Collins

1. “I wanna say thanks to my sweat … for always being a built in shower.” 

Andrew W.K. (No explanation needed)

Hear some other great quotes! Tell us below!

Riot Fest Chicago Quotes 2015 by Trevor Bosmans.


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