Secret Show No 2

PHOTOS β€” Secret Show No. 2 at Standard Motorcycle Co. | June 30, 2018

by • July 9, 2018

Standard Motorcyle Co did it again with a super f*ckin rad Secret Show! 

The event was a monumental success and, a big step forward for Orlando Music. Most importantly though, we want you to know we couldn’t have done it without your support. So, β€œThank you!” again!

β€”β€”β€” WANT FREE tickets to our next show? β€”β€”β€”

Complete [THIS] super-quick survey and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a set of tickets automatically.

Check out the full photo gallery below and stay tuned for Secret Show No. 3 Announcements!

Secret Show No. 2 Photos

Photos by Luke Armstrong and Aaron Wockenfuss.


We have some limited-edition SIGT Wall Calendars available! If you would like one, please donate to SIGT this holiday season, see below!

Any donation over $5 gets a shout-out on our Instagram story.
Anything over $25 gets a SIGT Wall Calendar (includes shipping!)
Just provide your mailing address in the payment comments.
VENMO β€” https://venmo.com/showsigoto (last 4 = 2637)
CASHAPP β€” https://cash.app/$showsigoto
PAYPAL β€” https://PayPal.me/showsigoto

Donate SIGT Graphic





Check out our South Florida SIGT Website! 

Shows I Go To South Florida Giveaway, Reviews, Photos, and more

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