
Shows I Go To Podcast: Episode 31 | We talk interviews from A Wilhelm Scream + Better Than Ezra AND recaps from City & Colour, Third Eye Blind + more!

by • December 17, 2015

Welcome to the SIGT Podcast! We’ve got a ton of recaps to cover from A Wilhelm Scream, City & Colour, Better Than Ezra, Third Eye Blind and more!

There are a ton of photos and some videos below 😉

We were also lucky enough to have not 1 BUT 2 exclusive interviews this past week with Trevor Reilly from AWS and Kevin Griffin of Better Than Ezra up at showsigoto.com and on the podcast soon!

The new Star Wars is coming out and this means, our very own Amanda Starrrrr-ling is extremely excited to bring you some “Star Wars” themed bands that truly exist our there in the galaxy (actually just earth, but who really knows).

Don’t forget If you are a musician and you want to be on the SIGT podcast, email rebecca@showsigoto.com, right now!

Special Shoutout to our sponsors House of Blues Orlando! Catch some sponsored Ads from them along with upcoming shows throughout each episode.

Special Musical Shoutouts To: Trevor from AWS and Kevin from Better Than Ezra for taking the time to chat with our crew! We look up to both of you and LOVE YOUR MUSIC!!!! We can’t wait to see you guys again soon!


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Shows I Go To – Episode 31: A Wilhelm Scream, City & Colour + RECAPS!


We have some limited-edition SIGT Wall Calendars available! If you would like one, please donate to SIGT this holiday season, see below!

Any donation over $5 gets a shout-out on our Instagram story.
Anything over $25 gets a SIGT Wall Calendar (includes shipping!)
Just provide your mailing address in the payment comments.
VENMO — https://venmo.com/showsigoto (last 4 = 2637)
CASHAPP — https://cash.app/$showsigoto
PAYPAL — https://PayPal.me/showsigoto

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