Eden Live Review Photos

EDEN Live Review & Photos | The Social, Orlando, FL | October 20, 2016

by • October 27, 2016

Music is art, and like all art forms it comes in many shapes and sizes. While artists may have varying styles, it’s rare that you encounter something completely unfamiliar. This show was unlike anything I have been to before. It was totally different, but in music, different is cool.

We were in the local favorite – The Social, a venue that is old school and has become a staple in Orlando’s live music scene. The night started with Elohim. She is one of those artists who can captivate you with her mysterious presence. Her face was hidden with glasses, a cool white hoodie and wavy hair. What you could see, however, was her genuine smile that reflected a love for what she does. As the stage lights hit, she shed some clothing but not enough to compromise her mysteriousness. After an enjoyable, mellow set, she smiled and ended with a prayer type bow. It was different and refreshing.

Eden Live Review Photos

On to the main act, Eden. Both artists had a younger following, which gives me hope that unique music will continue to live on past my generation. Eden had every girl in the room screaming at the start of each new song. Cheers of love were bouncing off the old walls of The Social. As the stage lights got too much for Eden, he took off his jacket – the crowd gave their approval with more cheers. If you closed your eyes, it almost felt like a Chippendales’ show in Vegas. The backlights gave him a silhouette figure that made Eden look larger than life. At one point, he asked the audience to shine their cellphone lights, and The Social was as bright as a full moon night.

Eden, your fans certainly love you. They sang the entire show with you. This music thing, you are doing it right. Thank you for a unique night and an unforgettable performance.


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Eden Live Review by Collen Pryor. Edited by Austin Young. Eden Live Photos by


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