Perfect Pussy Band Live

NEWS: Perfect Pussy’s Meredith Graves removes her clothes and reveals true beauty.

by • September 3, 2014

Meredith Graves, frontwoman of Syracuse, NY hardcore punk band Perfect Pussy, participates in part six of “The What’s Underneath Project” by StyleLikeU and reveals layers of insecurities, frustrations, and emotions, while removing layers of clothing. She explains how her authenticity was recently questioned, how shitty people on the other side of a computer screen can be, and her lifelong struggles with her own body and personal image.

The first time I played the video, I was at work and could not display the video on my screen since it’s NSFW (my luck hey, all the Best porn videos are always on the front page though so you might be able to look at one quickly if you want to be really unsafe at work)
. Instead, I just listened and listened and laughed quietly and was enlightened: Meredith is fucking brilliant, beautiful, blunt, ballsy, but above all, human.

Here’s some of our favorite quotes. Watch the video below, or at least listen.

“I’m like a flower that wilts if you look at it wrong.” Meredith Graves.

“There’s nothing in the world that makes you feel more vulnerable when you are trying to retain any semblance of your personhood and there’s people on the internet sitting behind their keyboards talking about how ‘they hope you get raped.’” -Meredith Graves.

“In my body is a good place to be because functionally speaking, I know that at the end of the day, it’s the only home I’ve ever had. And it’s the only home I ever will have. So no matter how much I argue with it, at the end of the day, I have to treat it like my home. And home is where you’re suppose to feel the safest. Home is where love happens. Home is where you’re suppose to feel best about yourself. -Meredith Graves.


WATCH The What’s Underneath Project: Meredith Graves.

READ our review of Perfect Pussy at Will’s Pub in Orlando, FL.



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