Teen Agers: Tour Blog, Day 2 | Amstetten, Austria

by • March 28, 2015

Our show in Austria was at a place called Rock Bar. It was a cavernous tunnel of a bar with the stage at the opposite end of the door. This was another two band show. We shared it with an Austrian pop-punk band dubbed, Three Stills. They were younger guys that told us they began as a Green Day cover band. They covered a Gaslight Anthem song for us and owned it.

The town had an eerie feeling to it. We were in a beautiful downtown area with shops all up and down the street but all of them were closed, not a soul in sight. We thought it odd for a Friday night at 7:00pm. The promoter/owner of the bar told us not to worry as people tend to come back out around 10. To our delight, the bar was packed by the time we took stage. People were even more receptive than the last show, constantly trying to hand us drinks while playing.

We ended our set to a chant I didn’t understand. The chant translated to “one more song” and we obliged with a song we haven’t played together in a while. Needless to say there were some kinks.

The bartender was very proud of the fact that it was the top city for alcohol consumption. It became more obvious to us as the night went on. Drinks were constantly flowing. Waking up the next morning was rough.

That night we stayed with out friend Lukas. We’ve known him for a few years from the Fest. He is a collector of all things punk rock and an all around great guy. We look forward to seeing him every Fest and we know that our paths will cross again very soon.

Wake up and get in the van. Stefan, our Tour Manager, is a saint and we are all very happy it’s not us behind the wheel.


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