I have to fully admit that my preconceived notions of this Umphrey’s McGee side project were entirely wrong. Let’s set the record straight — this is NOT a side project. It’s a different band altogether. It is its own machine and a sexy one at that. It stands on its own. It’s got one (pink) foot planted deeply in the sexy sands of an 80’s beach while looking omnisciently into our present times. Imagine that Dennis Reynolds never peaked but instead the world remained in that moment together. Forever. That soundtrack would be performed by Doom Flamingo. Smooth and sexual with guitar licks as sharp and chiseled as Dolph Lundgren’s jaw. Wait, is that a young Dolph playing those licks?

Doom Flamingo ⭐ June 20, 2019 ⭐ Denver, CO ⭐ Photos by Matthew Wright — instagram.com/the.flyin.fotog
Doom Flamingo is a sextet which is able to fully penetrate all aural sensations at once. The sweet synth sounds tickle the ears so sweetly that you just may think John Oates’ mustache is caressing your lobes. At the same time you cannot help but realize its 2019 and this is here and now. The Doom is here to stay. And I CAN go for that.

Doom Flamingo ⭐ June 20, 2019 ⭐ Denver, CO ⭐ Photos by Matthew Wright — instagram.com/the.flyin.fotog
Kanika Moore’s presence steals the air from the room. I felt as if I was in a hot yoga studio with oxygen all but depleted. Good thing, too, because if any O2 were left it would be a catalyst to set the room on fire. Her theatrical performance will capture not only your breath but your eyes as well. Kanika Moore leaves you wanting more.

Doom Flamingo ⭐ June 20, 2019 ⭐ Denver, CO ⭐ Photos by Matthew Wright — instagram.com/the.flyin.fotog
The DOOMed set intertwined originals with covers. But the covers were done their own way. They played my heart strings as precisely as they played their notes. They pulled me “Closer” as they covered Nine Inch Nails. Then left me deserted on a beach wishing I had never fallen in love as they played their “Wicked Game.”
Just me on the beach with a pink lawn flamingo, please?

Doom Flamingo ⭐ June 20, 2019 ⭐ Denver, CO ⭐ Photos by Matthew Wright — instagram.com/the.flyin.fotog
DOOM FLAMINGO Live Review & Live Photos by Matthew Wright, The Flyin Fotog.
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