torche ticket giveaway

TICKET GIVEAWAY: Torche has hooks that cut deep over heavy riffs | + American Party Machine | Live at Backbooth | October 1 2014

by • October 1, 2014

Torche will be playing tonight at Backbooth with American Party Machine, Gut Ruckus, and Consequence. Get lucky by winning tickets, details below! 

Miami based band Torche has a sound that creeps on the opposite end of the spectrum from their hometown cliché of bronze bodies lazing around in a beach cabana, sipping booze out of coconuts next to a neon pink flamingo with sunglasses on. Instead, Torche’s hooks dig deep and drag you through a muddy haze of heavy riffs, headbanging rooted in melody (as opposed to metal monotony), and create a slow burn of fast songs.

“Solitary Traveler” is a good introduction into Torche. Industrial tones pull you in, washing over you like the rock christening you didn’t know you needed, the beat swirls into your sense receptors, preparing for a new high and a drag you’ll hit replay to experience again.

A good exhale is needed before the next track on their record, the titular “Harmonicraft,” an instrumental beast akin to an adrenaline soaked video game.

torche ticket giveaway



Want to win Two Tickets to this show?!

1. Share the post below & ‘Like’ Shows I Go To on Facebook and Norsekorea on Facebook.

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4. *Once all of the above is complete* – Email contests@showsigoto.com With Your Name, and put the ‘TORCHE’ as the Subject to complete your entry. Thanks!


Buy Tickets Here (You can always give them to someone else if you win) :)

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