solillaquists of sound live photo

Solillaquists of Sound | Live Concert Photos | The Beacham Orlando | June 12, 2014

by • July 20, 2014

Florida-based Solillaquists of Sound, also known as “Solilla,” hosted the “Bring Your Own Crew (BYOC) Fest at The Beacham in Orlando last month. BYOC was an interesting concept because Solilla was giving the opportunity to bring your “crew” and network, promote and share demos with them and others to be potentially featured in upcoming events.

Solillaquists of Sound murdered the stage. They’re one of the most engaging hip-hop acts I’ve seen in a long time. Each of the four members of Solilla also came dressed as superheroes. While DiViNCi “flew” with his cape, and all of them used comic book-style captions that they often held up above their heads. Solilla didn’t disappoint. Each member has their own unique style, and together they put on a show like no other.

Asaan “Swamburger” Brooks leads the rhymes, while his wife Alexandrah belts out some of the most beautiful sounds I’ve ever heard. Tonya narrated and hyped the crowd, while beatmaker/producer DiViNCi kept the beats going using his fingers, arms, elbows, and even his nose on his electronic beat machine.

A friend of mine turned me on to this group about a year ago and I haven’t looked back. Check out their song “Marvel” below!

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