Sketchy BK

Shows I Go To Podcast Episode 35: Sketchy talks Craigslist Missed Connections with us + recaps of Metz, Mothers & the return of WEIRD ASS BAND NAMES!!!

by • January 21, 2016

Welcome to the SIGT Podcast!

We have a kickass interview with Brooklyn punk band Sketchy! They’re telling us about what’s happening for them in 2016 and more, keep your ears open for their music being played throughout this episode.

As always–we talk what’s trending at showsigoto.com and we’re recapping Metz (check out some photos and video below), Mothers + talking EP from Cayetana.

FINALLY–THE WORLD IS RIGHT AGAIN. Weird Ass Band Names is making its triumphant return!!!!!!!!!

Don’t forget If you are a musician and you want to be on the SIGT podcast, email rebecca@showsigoto.com, right now!

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Special Shoutout to our sponsors House of Blues Orlando! Catch some sponsored Ads from them along with upcoming shows throughout each episode.

Special Musical Shoutouts To: Sketchy for being super fun and talented! We can’t wait to check out one of your shows and experience more Craigslist Missed Connections with you guys 🙂


Shows I Go To – Episode 35: BK Punk Sketchy

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