DISENCHANTED! The Hilarious Hit Musical Review Orlando 2017

LIVE REVIEW: DISENCHANTED! THE HILARIOUS HIT MUSICAL | The Plaza Live, Orlando | April 11-20, 2017

by • April 15, 2017

This is so much that could be said, but it comes down to this and mostly this: DISENCHANTED! is really, really funny.

And they do it by not really sticking to the rules. Instead of being a paint-by-the-numbers musical, this one makes no bones about aiming straight for the your (wait for it) funny bone (ha!) over and over again. Its aim isn’t just to get you to laugh, but to keep you entertained and laughing throughout. The best part about that is it works beyond well.

The premise is easy enough: a bunch of Disney princesses want to share the more personal sides of themselves, the sides few ever had the chance to hear. Now, instead of being stories told about fairly one-sided characters—Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty to name a few—these famous ladies are turning to face the audience. They’re acting as their own narrators, offering revealing songs like “All I Wanna Do Is Eat,” “Without The Guy” and “Big Tits.”

Yes, the costumes and accents are incredible. Yes, the actresses in this musical could likely sing the pants off of anyone. But, for this critic, it really wins for getting the humor so right. Nothing feels forced. There are more than enough surprises. And, you know? It might even be time to see it all over again already.

Oh, fair warning: this isn’t really something to take the kiddos to. It’s all very over the top and hilarious, but the language and themes contained in DISENCHANTED! don’t exactly scream family-friendly. And, lucky for us, they’re not even trying to appeal to everyone. Call the babysitter. Grab a few girlfriends and laugh long, loud, and often at this incredibly well done production.

But hurry! You only have until 4/20 before it ends its run. 😎


Disenchanted Live Review Orlando 2017


DISENCHANTED! Live Review Orlando 2017 by Dainon.


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