NEW MUSIC: Gary Lazer Eyes Release Single “Matter of Fact”

by • June 30, 2017

June, summer in Florida. The bus rolls down the highway to Tallahassee. A/C is shot.

The boys of Gary Lazer Eyes are sprawled across sticky leather seats, trying to cool themselves in any position possible. Space is a little tighter than usual these days, as latest addition Joe Capati, turns the Melbourne, FL foursome into a five piece.

The saxophonist/part-time drummer/vocalist/keyboardist/full-time student is sitting in front of me at Stardust coffee, sans coffee or tea. He is composed and smiling which, is no different from any other time I’ve interacted with him.
“We were joking around because they have new merch with these four skeletons and one of them is holding a balloon. I’m the balloon,” he laughs.
Musically, the metaphor is not far off. Capati brings a different lightness to their signature beachy groove rock sound. He makes the groove accessible.

Sax is lost in Orlando. I’m not a player that’s going to be hell bent on making sure this is the right tempo or form in the song. I’m just going to be rocking out. You can’t alienate the crowd. You want to share it.”

Joe met the GLE guys a year ago through his other project, The Mellow Relics.
“The first time I met them was at The Social for the TMR CD Release show. They played to what had to be about six people. It was their close friends from Melbourne just having a good time…a year later, they played our Goodbye Travis show and I put them before us because I wanted them to have a bigger crowd. They gave the same effort both times.
Capati was never supposed to be in it for the long haul, though.
“I was just supposed to play for Okeechobee. I wasn’t practicing to learn music, just a couple of songs.”

SaTiSfY out NOW!

Our single release show for "Matter of Fact" is NEXT FRIDAY (June 30) at Will's Pub! Join the party & RSVP here: now, you can listen to our latest "Satisfy" on the streaming platform of your choice OR at

Posted by Gary Lazer Eyes on Saturday, June 10, 2017

Gary Lazer Eyes tearing up their noon set at Okeechobee Music & Arts Festival 2017

They’re so good on their own. They don’t need anything other than what they do the four of them, and I do nothing other than give them the spice.”

However, Austin(vocals/guitar), Sean(guitar/vocals), Stephen(bass), and Otero(drums) had other plans for the sax man. They took him up to Nashville to lay down some new music. The beach grunge groove rock dudes keep finding ways to dive into every genre and are making uncharted waters look cool and comfortable. “Matter of Fact” is a seamless divergence which shimmies out several multi-faceted skeletons from their closet. Guitarist Sean Gray, picks up the pen and lead vocals on this track with wit to spare. His tongue-in-cheek songwriting comes with a lassez-faire delivery and confident folky, vibrato tone.

Wastin’ all this time tryin’ to find the reason, but we will never know and I think that’s what completes me.”

Gray’s voice is ribs off the bone; tender with a slight twang.
Austin, Sean, Nick, our producer, and I all went into the booth that Sunday morning in Nashville hungover and put in the backing vocals behind the chorus. We were just laughing and hanging out,” Capati says.

Gary Lazer Eyes Covering “All Falls Down” at Okeechobee Music & Arts Festival 2017

It’s not easy to change direction and keep pace, but GLE haven’t missed a step yet. The addition of Capati’s sweet Sax and charisma adds another layer of texture and depth to their sound and live show.

Where do I see them in 5 years? 1 year, on the Bonnaroo stage. 5 years, I see the group together. Same function. Same purpose. No longer nationwide. It’s continental. Their message is so pure. They want people to listen to music.”

“Matter of Fact” is the guttural instinct of coming to acceptance minus the gnashing of teeth to get there. GLE find the beauty in not taking life so seriously on their new track. It’s the song you’ve never heard that’s already stuck in your head.

“What do you think about that?”

Well, as a matter of fact…I think it sounds unstoppable. Listen here and decide for yourself!

Gary Lazer Eyes Release Single “Matter of Fact” by Sarah Schumaker



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“Matter of Fact” is a seamless divergence which shimmies out several multi-faceted skeletons from their closet.

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