acuzzi Boys The Social Orlando April 3 2016

“Boys, Boys, Boys” | Jacuzzi Boys Live Review | The Social Orlando, FL | April 3, 2016

by • April 11, 2016

It’s Tuesday morning. You’re tired, a smidge sad. You thought about not getting up for work, thought that by not showing up they would get the hint and realize you had quit and everything would be fine.

You’re here, at work. You’re not really doing any work because you’re doing the work that doesn’t feel like work (no, this is not a Rihanna song, sorry.) You are fine though, albeit the exhaustion. You’ve learned to quiet the voices reaching like tiny doll hands at the back part of your brain, where your smiley childhood parts live.

You saw a show last night. You’re writing a piece about it right now. You’re trying to figure out the ways to give a shit about it because you know the ever-flowing interface of the world wide web and it’s on to the next attitude, making you feel like a two-minute Twitter celebrity when you’ve actually been bleeding at the chance to say these words, planning them carefully in between patient check-outs and dropped dishes.

But you do give a shit. You very much give a shit. About the show. About this piece. About whomever is reading this. Because you know, in the most self-effacing, hopeful way possible, someone will find solace in this. Even if that one person is you. Even if this small piece of yourself slowly dissipates in the time warp of it all, it was here. Fleeting on your feed.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I saw the Jacuzzi Boys last night and it was very cool. The following is a true account. Yes, I really am that embarrassing.

Do you always lurk in the back before your set?”

Can you imagine how hot that would be whispered coolly in a loud bar? Too bad I have no game. Too bad I’m way too shy. I barely manage words when the bartender at Lizzy’s mentions the band with top billing at The Social that evening are sitting in the corner by the door.

“Let’s buy them shots!” Mitch’s eyes widen.*

My throat begins to close.

We saunter over, hands full of clear courage, and I’m already planning the conversation in my head; thank you, anxiety. Should I tell them I wrote a preview piece for the show? No, Sarah, you should absolutely not do that. Just be cool.

Everyone is introducing themselves. A chorus of smokey hello‘s follow and they ask us to sit down. The air is different down here. Less stuffy. Maybe it’s the sense of being on the same physical level but something has changed. I’m a cucumber. In fact, if you weren’t looking closely, you wouldn’t even know they were there at all. They sat laughing quietly, cozied together — an obvious history and chemistry. A chemistry that is visible in their music and performance. And I have them here, sitting down like we are old friends. Now is your chance to ask about music, inspiration, life! This opportunity comes once in a lifetime. Thanks, Shady, you’re right, I got this …

Your sneakers are SO white. What do you use?”

… I blurt to bassist, Danny Gonzales.

Brilliant. Just, well done. 

He looks confused for a second but his face brightens as he chuckles, “You think?! They look so dirty to me. I try to keep them nice, though, ya know?” We discuss finer shoe care and film references, sipping drinks in between.

“So, you guys are touring around Florida for a small stint?”


Jacuzzi Boys White Sneakers The Social April 3 2016

They are some white sneakers, though, right?!

“Yea, just a small tour around Florida. This is our first time playing The Social, though.” Danny explains they’ve mostly just played Will’s Pub when they’re in town.

“Wait, didn’t you play Copper Rocket, like, way back in ’09 I think?” The voice comes from their longtime friend Robbie who laughs about what an odd show it was. He knows the boys from Miami and doesn’t miss a show when they’re in town. (Also, shout out to Robbie for NOT taking the shot I tried to pawn off on him. I did look pretty cool choking back Cuervo in that Snapchat video. -.-)

Mitch and Danny begin to swap stories about their experiences at the Fillmore in Miami seeing New Order just a month back. They appear to have linear, fuzzy memories colored in by light, sound, and some slight enhancements.

“Yea, we are actually playing there(The Fillmore) in a couple weeks with Iggy -“

“Iggy Azalea?!”

“No, um, Iggy Pop,” Danny deadpans to me.

Leave, Sarah. Just leave. Get out and find the closest sewer drain and jump inside of it.

The bassist is gracious and brushes it off, explaining the following while I try to get the taste of the bottom of my shoe out of my mouth, “We actually hung out at his house. He’s such a cool dude.”

“How did you get hooked up with him?” Mitch eagerly asks.

“He actually mentioned us during an interview and then it just started a conversation.”

Danny pulls up pictures of the boys (Gabriel Alcala, vocals/guitar and Diego Monasteri, drums) and himself with the legend … just chilling in his backyard. It’s not braggadocious in the least. It’s as if the musician needs to remind himself that it actually happened, is happening. Jacuzzi Boys are opening up for Iggy Pop at The Fillmore Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason Theater on April 19th (TIX). [SHAMELESS PLUG BC THAT’S COOL AF. Miami Beach anyone?!] The show will be a well-earned evening, a long time coming since the boys water birth into the music world in 2007.

We all spend the next 20 minutes chatting, laughing, Mitch gives Diego a snapchat tutorial, I oggle at Danny’s shoes some more and we’re off to grab a good spot for the show, wishing them well as we stride across the street.

Jacuzzi Boys White Sneakers The Social April 3 2016

I never did do my best Lauren Bacall impression for front man Gabriel as he stood by the bar before their set last night. But, I did hurl my body in every direction in the pit as he sang through his hair; the happiest collection of atoms and cells on this side of Orlando. Hopefully, my spastic dancing was enough; a flailing, awkward love letter to his and the ‘cuzzi Boys unique sound. I promise to write again soon.




*Mitch was actually very nervous too. He sends me a text as we are sitting there with the band that reads, “I walked up and got nervous and said ‘Hi guys! My name is Mitch and I want to buy you shots!’ ” Hey, but it worked, yea?

Jacuzzi Boys Live Review 2016 by Sarah “Sweaty Septum” Schumaker.



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