Neon Trees Interview | Happiness, Home Life, and An Intimate Night Out with Neon Trees

by • July 24, 2015

Tyler Glenn and Branden Campbell of Neon Trees were kind enough to take time out of their busy tour schedule to sit on the most dreadfully uncomfortable couch and chat with us about maintaining happiness on the road, home life, and their tour: An Intimate Night Out with Neon Trees.

Neon Tress. Photo: Adam Fricke Photography

Neon Tress. Photo: Adam Fricke Photography

You’ve been on the road now for a couple weeks. Whether you’re on stage or answering to phone calls and emails backstage, you’re constantly working. How do you maintain your happiness amongst the chaos?

-Tyler: I think it’s like any other job in a way that you have to show up and you are part of a team. But it just so happens to be the most fun job in the world as well. For me, I like keeping our friends and our crew around. We’re all family anyway. We may hate each other from time to time but we all count on each other to have a good time.

-Branden: It can be tough because imagine you go to work and when you’re done at work those people go home with you. And you wake up and they’re there. Since our job requires such weird hours I think it’s important to set limits for yourself and set certain hours aside for yourself where you’re not available to anyone else.The calls and emails keep coming because opportunity is always knocking. It’s just important to find the balance.”


How do you find time for yourself on the road?

-Tyler: Days off are really nice. I’m the type of person that loves to be around people but sometimes I just need to be by myself in the hotel for a couple of hours. Tour is a time in life to play shows and have fun but when I’m at home I’m pretty quiet.

-Branden: It’s all about your attitude but it’s an acquired taste. If you’re not cut out for it, you’d hate it.

I’m the type of person that loves to be around people but sometimes I just need to be by myself in the hotel for a couple of hours.” – Tyler Glenn, Neon Trees


How has your home/personal life changed since Neon Trees has taken off?

-Tyler: It’s changed vastly. I actually have a place now! I used to not have a home really. I would rent a room, sleep on a couch, or live with my parents. It’s nice to actually have a place of my own. Home life is really fun; it’s not ever dull. Tour can be non-stop so it’s nice to come home and just watch a TV show.

-Branden: By the time we started touring I was already married with 2 kids. So it’s been great to share it with my family, especially as my kids grow and get into the music. But it’s kind of normal for them. Everyone thinks that they must be so stoked and excited all the time but for them it’s just normal:

Dad’s always played music. So maybe Neon Trees can eventually develop into Dad-Rock.

-Tyler: Yeah … nope. [Laughs]

Tyler of Neon Trees. Photo: Adam Fricke Photography

Tyler Glenn of Neon Trees. Photo: Adam Fricke Photography

Do you ever bring family/significant others on the road?

-Branden: They visit but we’re constantly on the go, juggling so many things. My wife traveled to Europe with us and we were in Paris and she did everything on her own because we were so busy.

-Tyler: It’s almost not fun to have visitors because you’re really a bad host. [laughs] There’s just not enough time to hang.

-Branden: They have to really be into the music, too. Don’t come out just because you want to party. Come because you like the music too. My wife’s been great about that. She’s always been a fan of the band, been very supportive, and loves rock n’ roll. Having that supportive group of family and friends is really important to what we do.


I feel like it’s probably important to be fans of each other, within the band, in addition to that support system of family and friends.

-Branden: Absolutely. Sometimes bands sniff each other out and compliment each other, and you get compliments from all over the place, but you forget to tell each other that.

At a show a while back, Tyler told me that he had just been watching me during a certain song and said, ‘Hey, I was just watching you and you’re really talented.’ ”

And we had been playing together for years at that point but for him to be able to step out of the zone and just observe was really cool. I think that’s a point to make for all bands out there, keep checking in and reminding your bandmates what they’re good at. If you’re bugged by stuff, find what’s good.

BANDS: ‘Keep checking in and reminding your bandmates what they’re good at.’ ” -Branden Campbell, Neon Trees 

Branden Campbell of Neon Trees. Photo: Adam Fricke Photography

Branden Campbell of Neon Trees. Photo: Adam Fricke Photography

There’s a Spotify playlist called “Songs I Can’t Listen To,” and of course it starts with your single, “Songs I Can’t Listen To,” but there are many other songs I love from bands like Brand New, Say Anything, Tegan & Sara, Ryan Adams, Third Eye Blind … is that playlist something you made?

-Tyler: Yeah. All of them take me back to some certain time period and remind me of something or someone that’s not in my life anymore. So, I have an emotional connection to those songs. There’s a ton more, obviously, but those were a few that came to mind right away. I still listen to the music; I just can’t hear it without having some sort of emotional experience.

-Branden: For me it’s just an old Foreigner record, which makes me sound older than I am. But we all have those kinds of songs. That’s what makes music great.


So the name of this tour is “An Intimate Night Out with Neon Trees.” Can you explain the meaning behind that?

-Tyler: We wanted to tailor this tour to the type of crowd that would know more than just the radio hits. We appreciate those people. But we don’t have to be touring right now, we don’t have a new record out, or anything to promote, really. So we decided to do something fan-centric. It’s been a morale boost and a reminder that we mean something to somebody. That’s why I wanted to be in a band to begin with. I always looked up to bands with a sense of community and I always wanted to be in that type of band. It’s cool that we have that.

I always looked up to bands with a sense of community and I always wanted to be in that type of band.”

Tyler Glenn of Neon Trees. Photo: Adam Fricke Photography

Tyler Glenn of Neon Trees. Photo: Adam Fricke Photography

What kind of advice would you give to those who are finding themselves and going against the grain?

-Tyler: Enjoy the ride, man. My only regret is that I didn’t have more fun with what I was doing. I don’t mean be reckless. I mean laugh more, and have better connections with your friends, and don’t be so afraid to show love. I started this band when I was 22. We were touring in a van when I was still a kid. I think the coming of age ride is so much fun and can be really inspiring. Now I feel like I’m living again because before I was burdened with too much thought and fear of being myself.

Laugh more, and have better connections with your friends, and don’t be so afraid to show love.”

-Branden: And being too hard on yourself is something to focus on too, as we grow and figure ourselves out. That doesn’t end when you’re 18 or 25 … or 85. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re gonna figure it out. The people that care don’t matter and the people that matter don’t care.

Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re gonna figure it out.”

Tyler and Branden of Neon Trees. Photo: Adam Fricke Photography

Tyler and Branden of Neon Trees. Photo: Adam Fricke Photography

Check out our live review and concert photos of Neon Trees’ show that night.

Neon Trees Interview by Mitch Foster.
Neon Trees Photos & Transcription by Adam Fricke.



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