Thomas Wynn and The Believers | Live Photos | August 23 2014 | West End Trading Co. Sanford

Thomas Wynn And The Believers Shook My Soul in Sanford | Live Review | August 23 2014 | West End Trading Co Sanford

by • September 6, 2014

It was a night of new brothers. Martin, Dainon and I began the evening sharing stories and jokes and bong rips and beers. We took a journey out of the heart of downtown Orlando and traveled to beautiful downtown Sanford and my new favorite venue – West End Trading Co. I foolishly thought my journey was complete once I paid our Lyft driver and we arrived at the venue. But as Dainon would have said to me had he heard my thoughts, “I ought to have know better.”

You know when your friends keep telling you “there’s this band you have to see?” Well, I finally saw that band they were all talking about. And that band was Thomas Wynn and The Believers. Holy shit, I wholeheartedly understand why everyone was so adamantly encouraging now. Let’s begin with saying that after watching them perform, I believe, without a doubt, that they genuinely earned the the right to call themselves the Best Rock Band in Orlando” six years in a row.

There was a blisteringly bright aura that surrounded them. I was taken by the hand and hypnotically ushered in to journey along through their wild, soulful, and raw sounds, that at their very core were nothing short of absolutely gorgeous. The best kind of journeys are usually unexpected ones. Thomas Wynn and the Believers took me by surprise Saturday night, despite the various forewarnings I’d received.

I put myself in their drummers shoes, as I often do, and with each snap on the snare drum, I became more and more infatuated with their sound.

“Feel the good” is their slogan and I felt it. I closed my eyes and listened to one of their songs begin to build, I focused on my other senses, the taste of my IPA, the scent of sweat, the audible anticipation of the music traveling towards its breaking point. I didn’t see the drummer lift his hands before he crashed down on the cymbals, but I was certain the rock was coming. My head dropped on queue to the first note screaming through the PA speakers. I smiled and looking up to see everything I hoped for: tightly closed eyes, passionate sways, a clear display of blissfulness, and the entire world seemingly being partitioned – everything else | and us. Here’s a shitty pic:

Thomas Wynn and The Believers | Live Photos | August 23 2014 | West End Trading Co. Sanford

I strongly believe that music heals people. It’s the energy, the inhales, the exhales, the  subconscious understanding, and the interpretation. It’s all about how we consciously and subconsciously interpret things. Sometimes we get lost in translation. Other times the message is just unclear. Thomas Wynn and the believers deliver a really fucking clear message: ¡ROCK! It was, in many ways, beautiful.

“Drink At West End” is West End Trading Co’s website url. We took this to heart because we drank at West End! A lot. Maybe it was the badass black SUV from Lyft that picked us up and drove us to Sanford. Maybe it was the worry-free outlook we all had towards the evening and the unspoken determination to all have a great night. Maybe it was the fact that we were all grateful to be alive and in good health (minus Dainon he was getting over a cold which he kindly handed over to Martin when he was finished). But Goddammit, Thomas Wynn and The Believers grabbed hold of me and shook my soul in Sanford Saturday evening.

It was so fucking fun.

Martin brought his camera along to visually document the evening. Follow him on instagram at @amartcard and check out the images below.Dainon was one of those who encouraged me to attend this performance.

Dainon was one of those who encouraged me to attend this performance. He caught Thomas Wynn & The Believers at The Social in July.



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