Kaleigh Baker is Making an Album

by • March 10, 2015

We’re not what you’d consider experts at music (whatever that even means). We do tend to get real close and friendly with the stuff we love, however.

Back when this site was still kind of a baby in the big kid’s pool, we took it upon ourselves to write about Kaleigh Baker. Not that she necessarily needed the exposure, not by a long shot. To be quite honest, hers was a name we heard a whole lot around town and we wanted to find out why, get to know her better even.

We learned a few things relatively quickly. Kaleigh commands a powerhouse of a voice that few will ever get close to, not in their wildest dreams. You can’t compare her to another singer (living or not) because, well, that just doesn’t work. She’s a pretty fantastic storyteller and tends to get real friendly with a bottle of Jameson on occasion. To see her on stage, whether she’s opening for someone or headlining her own gig, is to discover a friend you didn’t know you had yet. And whenever she ends her set—even if it’s after a couple hours or more—it’s still way too soon.

Before we knew who Kaleigh Baker was, we were curious. Now, we count the days between her gigs. See her once and you’ll understand.

Kaleigh’s raising funds for a new album. She has less than 27 days to do so at this point. In a perfect world, maybe she’d have a label and a pile of money to make this dream come true. Instead, she’s doing what she has to in order to make it a reality. Want our opinion? Here goes: We think she deserves this. She’s put in the shows, the tours, the time, the miles and all the rest of that ilk. In short, we urge you to consider throwing some love and money in the direction of her Kickstarter. Be a part of a beautiful story still being told. Be a part of this life authentically lived.


Kaleigh Baker is making a new album ... and she needs your help!

Kaleigh Baker is making a new album … and she needs your help!



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